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Artist Management

My job as a artist manager is to ensures that an artist is successful in the marketplace.I am also know as a artist's representative, agent, manager or consultant. But whatever my job remains the same. I handle all business of art so that the artist can concentrate on making art. I help the artist navigate the business side of art, according to Art Business. This might include reading a contract, explaining to an artist what constitutes "business as usual" in a transaction or organizing a show. Advising artists about these matters is a primary function of the artist manager; this kind of advice helps the artist avoid having misunderstandings with potential clients.


Booking Agent

My job as a Booking Agent is to find work for musicians.I negotiate when and where the band or artist will perform, as well as the financial terms of the contract.I schedule live performances for their clients. To do so,I network with venue operators, music promoters and other booking agents.I handle all financial matters in connection with the date and coordinate the scheduling logistics. In states that require licensure,I can be restricted from performing managerial duties. Where they are less restricted, however, I might also be involved with promoting the events they book. I also maintain databases of contacts and venue information.I also handle tour schedules. 


Radio Promotions

My job is to find the right radio promotion company for artist or band. I make sure the song or songs is registered with ASCAP or BMI, so the Artist or Band can get Royalities. I also help the Artist or Band pick the right Radio deal. I also make sure that they get the best coverage, with FM Radio, Satellite Radio, and Internet radio

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